NDIS System Changes

Did you know?  NDIS is in process of making system changes from 'SAP' to 'PACE'.  This is great news! and is in keeping with feedback from participants and professionals alike.  Tasmania has bravely navigated the pilot system for the past several months, feeding back toward improvements prior to national roll out.  

What does a system change mean for you as a participant or nominee?

  • If you are a participant with a plan expiring November 2023 - late February 2024, you will be presented with options to roll your plan over or modify your plan.  A 'roll over' or 'plan extension' will mean the plan stays in the current system (SAP).  This is OK.

  • If you are a participant requiring a Plan Reassessment after 31st October 2023, your new plan will be built in the new system.  This is OK.  Your Support Coordinator can support you to navigate and understand the new system as needed.

  • If you are a FIRST time NDIS participant, accessing NDIS after 31st October, your plan will be built in the new system.  Congratulations!  This is OK.

From the end of February 2024, ALL expiring plans will be rebuilt in the new system.  The transition from old to new system will take time and will require familiarisation for professionals, participants and nominees.  NDIS is working hard to ensure a smooth transition and avoid the pitfalls experienced during the last system change.  NDIS currently offers forums for professionals to familiarise with upcoming changes, ask questions, and express concerns.  NDIS will look to increase information for participants and nominees in the coming weeks.

Want to learn more?  Chat with your Support Coordinator or contact your LAC or NDIS directly.


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